Since June 2022, representatives of each union and association (Teachers, Professionals, Support Staff) have been working jointly with the help of an external expert on mediation to develop a WQSB Dispute Prevention and Resolution Plan. The plan outlines step-by-step how to address workplace conflicts (between WQSB employees, not between staff and parents/students). Before January 31st, 2023, you will attend a training session offered by your Principal or VP to introduce the new DPR plan.
It is imperative that all members:
- Attend the training session offered in your workplace or view the video training below.
- Understand your role as part of the DPR plan-this includes both your rights and your responsibilities.
- Understand that with the DPR plan we are attempting to create a new culture of handling disagreements that may feel uncomfortable initially, this is normal!
Training Video (57 minutes, 337 MB)
Click image above to play video.
DPR Tools
In addition to the training sessions and video, the following DPR tools are helpful both for dispute resolution and as thought exercises to prevent disputes in the first place.
- WQSB Tools
- Dispute Resolution
- Role Plays
- Appendices