Group Insurance

  • Health Insurance

  • The IASS Group Insurance Plan provides a range of health, drug, and medical insurance coverage. This plan is provided by iA Group.

    All support staff members must adhere to the group insurance offered by iA unless they can demonstrate that they belong to another group plan with a spouse/partner as per our Collective Agreement.


    Participation in the basic health insurance plan shall be compulsory but any employee may, by giving prior written notice to his or her board, be exempt from participating in the health insurance plan provided the employee establishes that he or she and his or her dependents are insured under a group insurance plan affording him or her similar benefits as defined under clause 5-3.02. In no case may the provisions of this clause require an employee to subscribe to two (2) different plans affording similar benefits; it shall be up to the employee to establish it with his or her board.

    Getting Started

    To get started or to manage your plan, visit

    For a summary of the plan features and optional coverages, watch the Video Overview (also shown on this page).

    For an overview of how to register and manage your coverage, watch the Digital Tools Overview (English / Français).

  • Home and Auto Insurance

  • IAWQ has collaborated with MercerMarsh Benefits to obtain group insurance rates for our members, including home, auto, trailer, tenant, watercraft or pet insurance.

    Members are in no way obligated to avail of these services.

    Getting Started

    If you are renewing or seeking insurance coverage and wish to compare prices with the new group rates available to our members, please contact Marsh at 1-888-992-9160 for your free quote.

    For your convenience you may also visit to submit the expiry dates of your current insurance and Marsh will call you closer to your renewal date.

  • Private Client Services (PCS) documents / Documents des services aux particuliers

    Brochure (EN) | Brochure (FR)

    Newsletter (EN) | Bulletin (FR)