Links & FAQ’s

  • What is the provincial Collective Agreement?

    The provincial collective agreement is an agreement between the union and the management negotiating committee for English-Language School Boards (CPNCA). Its objective is to establish relations between the parties to determine the working conditions of employees as well as to draw up the appropriate procedures for resolving difficulties which may arise.

    What is the CPNCA?

    The CPNCA is the Management Negotiating Committee for English-Language School Boards that oversees the negotiated sectorial matters such as the organization of work, movement of personnel, job security as well as fringe benefits.

    What leave am I allowed, without loss of salary, if there is a death in my family?

    In the event of the death of your spouse, child or your spouse’s child living with you, you are allowed a maximum of seven (7) consecutive days, working days or not, including the day of the funeral.

    In the event of the death of your father, mother, brother, sister, you are allowed a maximum of five (5) consecutive days, working days or not, including the day of the funeral.

    In the event of the death of your father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, grandson, you are allowed a maximum of three (3) consecutive days, working days or not, including the day of the funeral.

    In the event of the death of your former spouse, if you have minor children from the union, you are allowed the day of the funeral.

    Also, if you attend the funeral of the deceased and the funeral takes place at a distance of more than 240 kilometers from your domicile, you are entitled to one (1) additional day or two (2) additional days if the funeral takes place at a distance of more than 480 Kilometers from your domicile.

    I’m moving! Am I entitled to a moving day without loss of salary?

    Yes. The board shall allow an employee to be absent from work without loss of salary on the moving day; however, an employee shall not be entitled to more than one day off per year for this purpose.

    I don’t understand the difference between moneyable sick days and non moneyable sick days?

    As per article 5-3.42: On July 1st of every year, the board credits you seven (7) working days of sick leave. These are your Moneyable sick days. These are noncumulative, but when not used during the year can be redeemable (paid out) on June 30th of each year at the salary rate in effect on that date.

    At the time of hiring you were granted six (6) additional sick days. These are your non-moneyable sick days. These are only used in a situation where you may have used all of your annual sick days due to a lengthy or frequent illness (es). Your non-Moneyable sick days are banked and are non-redeemable, nor reimbursable under any circumstances.

    Do I have to join the Group Insurance plan offered? I would rather stay on the Québec public plan.

    All active support staff employees of Western Quebec are required to be a part of a group insurance plan. RAMQ does not qualify as a group insurance and therefore you must participate in the iA group plan while you are employed with WQ, unless covered under another group plan. (5-3-31)

    Participation in the basic health insurance plan shall be compulsory but any employee may, by giving prior written notice to his or her board, be exempt from participating in the health insurance plan provided the employee establishes that he or she and his or her dependents are insured under a group insurance plan affording him or her similar benefits as defined under clause 5-3.02. In no case may the provisions of this clause require an employee to subscribe to two (2) different plans affording similar benefits; it shall be up to the employee to establish it with his or her board.

    Which other benefits do I have access to?

    To help you access your benefits, see these links for details about your available benefits:

    Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by TELUS Health
    Group Insurance by Marsh

    What are paid legal holidays?

    Employees are entitled to 13 guaranteed legal holidays during each fiscal year.

    • – New Year’s Day
    • – January 2
    • – Good Friday
    • – Easter Monday
    • – Journée nationale des patriotes
    • – Fête nationale
    • – Canada Day
    • – Labour Day
    • – Thanksgiving Day
    • – Christmas Eve
    • – Christmas Day
    • – Boxing Day
    • – New Year’s Eve

    An employee who holds a part-time position shall be entitled to paid legal holidays in proportion to his or her regular workweek as compared to the regular workweek. The Board and the Union will agree on the terms and conditions for applying this paragraph.